The name, PRESPA Institute comes from the Prespa Accord, or Final Agreement for the settlement of the differences as described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the termination of the Interim Accord of 1995, and the establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Parties, signed on June 17, 2018 in the village of Psarades, Greece, the meaning it has for North Macedonia and the policies that the institute will focus on, as well as their impact on our country, the Western Balkans and wider in Europe.
In-depth research leading to new ideas for problem-solving and new policies at the local, national and regional level.
A dynamic group of analysts and researchers conducting in-depth research on International and European Affairs influencing decision-making processes and actions, and contributing to the Europeanization of North Macedonia and the Western Balkans.

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The analysis includes 519,354 tweets from 11,721 unique users. The number of users increases from the initial number since we also took their retweets, quotes and post replies. The tweets were first subjected to a basic cleaning of the text (removing links, emoticons, hashtags, etc.), and then through the use of machine learning and natural language processing, we looked for the hidden (latent) topic of each post.

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#PoliticalReport 001 with Demijan Hadzi-Angelkovski