Europeanisation and Democratisation

The Europeanisation and Democratisation thematic priority encompasses a number of projects where through in-depth democratic policy research and research of political accountability, media pluralism, and civil society we play the vital role in generating ideas and fostering discussion between the public and policymakers. We produce research that mobilises the public in support of specific policy agendas and democratic reforms. We produce research reports, articles, and summary briefs tailored to the needs of different audiences.

We host public events and private briefings to make our findings as accessible as possible and to ensure the information we uncover reaches citizens and policymakers who need it most.




#PoliticalReport 001 with Demijan Hadzi-Angelkovski
#IIO podcast 005 Image Observatory 2023 with Ivana Jordanovska
#IIO podcast 004 Main findings of Image Observatory 2023
#IIO podcast 003 Conversation with Demijan Hadzi-Angelkovski