#Climate Podcast 004

Climate Podcast 004 of PRESPA Institute.

This podcast is produced within the frames of the project Climate Mainstreaming for Just Transition funded by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia. The project contributes to the harmonization with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, as well as to EU Accession of North Macedonia. The project:

  • monitors proper financial management and the implementation of green funds,
  • offers recommendations for the improvement of the consistency of the funding priorities and the harmonization of the legislation
  • contributes to the improvement of the overall harmonization of North Macedonia with the Sustainable Development Goals.

This podcast is a conversation with Mirsat Esati, Expert on Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Action and on the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

This podcast is recorded in Macedonian. For a transcript in English, please check the posts in the Blog Section of the website.