Marina Andeva

Member of the Working Group of Women Experts on Foreign and Security Policy

Dr. Marina Andeva is General Secretary of the University American College Skopje (UAKS) and Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences. She graduated at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, in 2006. In 2008, she successfully earned her Master’s Degree in English, in the area of European Institutions and Policies, defending the thesis titled “Immigration law: the legal frame of the EU and the national legislation of two Member States (Italy and Germany)”, at the University of Trieste, in Italy. Four years later, in 2012, she earned her Doctoral Degree at the University of Trieste, in Italy, in the area of Minority Rights, defending the thesis titled “Protection of minority rights in multiethnic borderline regions – case study”.

Since April 2009, she was employed as a researcher and project manager at the International Institute for Sociology in Gorizia, Italy. Her professional experience includes a short engagement with the Macedonian Center for European Training in Skopje, and the Center for Research and Policy-Making in Skopje. She was an online volunteer for the United Nations, and an intern in the Sector for Diplomatic Education at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Republic of North Macedonia and the Sector for Support to Accession Negotiations at the Secretariat for European Affairs, as well as two years internship at a Law Office and internship at the Basic Court Skopje I.

She was elected Assistant Professor in 2015, while in 2020 she acquired a Tenure Track as a Professor. She teaches subjects in Political Sciences, including: Introduction to Politics, International Organizations, Migrations and Refugees, EU Structures and Institutions.

Dr. Andeva has a long-term professional experience as researcher and project manager/coordinator in several international projects funded by the European Union. She has organized and participated in numerous international conferences in the country and abroad, and has published numerous papers, chapters in books, professional and scientific papers, as well as analyses of policies in several areas, such as: Minority Rights, Migrations and Cross-Border Cooperation.

Dr. Andeva has excellent command of English and Italian, as well as basic knowledge of Spanish.