Vesna Poposka

Senior Research Fellow, Member of the Working Group of Women Experts on Foreign and Security Policy

She completed her formal education in the field of Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje, where she later obtained a Master’s Degree at the Department of International Law and International Relations. She continued her education completing her Doctoral Studies at the Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” in Skopje, where she defended her Doctoral Dissertation under the title “International-Legal aspects for the protection of Critical Infrastructure from modern security threats”. To date, she is the only woman who has earned a Ph.D. at the Academy.

She is professionally engaged at the International University Vision, where from 2021 she holds the position of Dean of the Faculty of Law.

Her research interest includes the areas: <em>International Law</em>, as well as <em>Foreign and Security Policy</em>.

She was active in Civil Society in various areas such as <em>Democracy</em>, <em>Human Rights</em>, <em>Rule of Law</em> and <em>Gender Equality</em>, and was engaged as a consultant, trainer, facilitator and researcher for various project activities, including projects of the NATO program for Science for Peace and Security, and Public Diplomacy. She is the author of thirty scientific and expert papers published in the country and abroad.

He is an alumni of the School of Politics of the Council of Europe, the Political Academy for Social Democracy, the Regional School of Public Policy supported by the National Democratic Institute, the program for Young Leaders from the Western Balkans of the Warsaw Security Forum, as well as the Young Academic Network of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies based in Brussels.

Vesna is a Senior Reseat the PRESPA Institute since March 2023.