Ivana Temelkovska

Member of the Working Group of Women Experts on Foreign and Security Policy

Master of Human Resource Management in Business Administration, consultant, researcher and member of the Working Group of women experts on Foreign and Security Policy.

She completed her formal education in the field of Political Sciences at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje. She later continued her education at the International Faculty, City College – Sheffield University in Thessaloniki, Greece, where she obtained a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management and defended her thesis titled “Is the public sector a silent career killer? Evaluation of the outflow of highly qualified staff and corrective actions of human resources in the public sector.”

She is professionally engaged with an NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland “International Council for Peace and Security” as an HR Consultant. At the same time, as a researcher, she is working on a paper that refers to political influences on employees in the public sector and strategic and systemic capacity building in the public sector, with an emphasis on preventing the outflow of highly qualified staff from public institutions.

Her research interest is focused on the development of Neuroscience in Human Resources Management, as well as Soft Practices and Leadership Concepts in public and private sector organizations.

She is active in Civil Society in various areas including the creation and development of Youth Policies and Strategies, development of Democratic Processes, including participation at the NATO Summit simulations organized by the Euro-Atlantic Council of North Macedonia, Leadership Forums organized by the “Boris Trajkovski” Foundation, as well as activities related to Crisis Prevention, Crisis Management and Loss Management. She is the author of several academic papers, while as a columnist, she regularly publishes in the electronic edition of the “Human Capital” magazine.

She is an alumni of the Political Academy for Social Democracy, the International Program for Young Leaders from Southeast Europe, as well as Sheffield University, and is also a prominent member of the Macedonian Association for Human Resources.

At the moment, she is part of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs, a project supported by the US Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Ivana is part of the Working group of women experts on Foreign and Security Policy at the PRESPA Institute since October 2023.