Ivana Jordanovska

Senior Research Fellow, Chairwoman of the Working Group of Women Experts on Foreign and Security Policy

She holds a BА in Political Science with a concentration on Transatlantic Relations from the Institute for Political Science in Paris (Sciences Po) and an MA in International Relations from New York University, where she was a Fulbright Fellow.

Her professional experience includes posts in the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she worked on parliamentary oversight and countering and preventing violent extremism. In the period 2017-2018, Ivana was an Adviser for Cooperation with International Organizations to the Prime Minister of North Macedonia. 

Her research interests are Transatlantic RelationsDemocratizationCooperation among Authoritarian Regimes and Gender Equality.

Ivana is a Senior Research Fellow of PRESPA Institute since December 2020.